Wednesday, May 14, 2008

On the Mark

Check out these pieces by two outstanding writers – first, from Mark Steyn, "Be Careful What You Wish For", an insightful commentary on the occasion of Israel's 60th birthday, then this one from Mark Helprin, "The Challenge From China". Both contain much food for thought, and both are "right on the Mark".

Mark Steyn's column begins like this:
Almost everywhere I went last week — TV, radio, speeches — I was asked about the 60th anniversary of the Israeli state. I don’t recall being asked about Israel quite so much on its 50th anniversary, which as a general rule is a much bigger deal than the 60th. But these days friends and enemies alike smell weakness at the heart of the Zionist Entity. Assuming President Ahmadinejad’s apocalyptic fancies don’t come to pass, Israel will surely make it to its 70th birthday. But a lot of folks don’t fancy its prospects for its 80th and beyond.

Here is the beginning of Mark Helprin's essay, based upon a speech he recently gave at the Hoover Institute:
Even as our hearts go out to the Chinese who have perished in the earthquake, we cannot lose sight of the fact that every day China is growing stronger. The rate and nature of its economic expansion, the character and patriotism of its youth, and its military and technical development present the United States with two essential challenges that we have failed to meet, even though they play to our traditional advantages.

The first of these challenges is economic, the second military. They are inextricably bound together, and if we do not attend to both we may eventually discover in a place above us a nation recently so impotent we cannot now convince ourselves to look at the blow it may strike. We may think we have troubles now, but imagine what they will be like were we to face an equal.

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