Sunday, October 26, 2008

How Low Can They Sink?

John Hinderaker of Power Line eloquently expresses his growing disgust and anger at the vile and shameless conduct of the left in this campaign. In Barbarians at the Gates--of the White House, he points out that their treatment of Governor Palin has been unprecedented in all of American history – and that if we allow their tactics to succeed, we will be giving the keys to the kingdom to "a howling mob of barbarians."
Barack Obama can't be blamed for all of his followers' vile actions, but, like it or not, he trails in his wake a howling mob of barbarians. If he is elected, these bottom-feeders will have achieved their goal, and some of them, at least, will be rewarded for doing their leader's dirty work. This is not, folks, your father's Democratic Party.
Unfortunately, most voters don't read blogs. They get their news, such as it is, from the MSM and the late night comedians. They have no more idea of what's in store for them than lambs being led to slaughter.

I fear that our country is about to pay a terrible price for their apathy.

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