Wednesday, July 15, 2009

O'Reilly Finally Gets It

Last night's O'Reilly Factor marked a watershed of sorts. Bill finally recognized the truth of what thousands of us have been saying for years: cap-and-trade is a giant scam, and Al Gore is a shameless con man and hypocrite. Welcome aboard, Bill. What took you so long?

Bill took pains to explain, though, that he still believes that man-made global warming is real. It's just that he has finally gotten it through his thick skull that the measures which would be imposed upon us by Waxman-Markey would do nothing to stop it, but would do enormous damage to our economy while transferring billions of dollars to a few well-connected corporations and individuals.

Later in the program, Bill spoke briefly with Glenn Beck, who tried to gently inform him that man-made global warming is itself a scam, and that the data upon which O'Reilly has been relying is not true. However, Bill is not yet ready for that next step. He'll have to be led to the truth slowly and carefully over a period of time.

Nevertheless, the fact that Bill, until now a zealous missionary in Gore's Church of Global Warming, has gone apostate on the cap-and-trade scheme is yet another hopeful sign that public perception on this issue has finally turned the corner. It appears that from now on, the Global Warmists will face an increasingly uphill struggle.

Those of us who have been signally honored by being labeled "Deniers" by con man Gore cannot afford to relax, though. While the tide may be turning in our favor, the battle is far from won. If there is one thing we know for certain about the opposition, it is this: they never give up until they have attained their objective. Even when they have suffered a major setback, they never consider a defeat to be permanent. They will lick their wounds for a while, rally their forces, and attack again from a different direction. We cannot afford to let our guard down even for a moment.

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