Thursday, May 22, 2008

American Thinker: Gore Celebrates Israel's 60th With Whoppers

The latest American Thinker includes a slashing attack on a recent visitor to Israel, Marc Sheppard's "Gore Celebrates Israel's 60th With Whoppers."

It seems that Prince Albert brought Israel a special gift for its 60th birthday – what else but a heaping helping of manure:
After delivering a scientifically inept global warming lecture in Tel Aviv on Tuesday, greenhouse gasbag Al Gore presented Israel with a 60th birthday gift of custom tailored, regionally-targeted Globaloney.

As adaptable to his surroundings as any desert snake, the shameless Nobel laureate told conference attendees that plunging water levels in their lakes and rivers were the result of -- guess what? Quothe the Goracle:

"In this region of the world, the water crisis is one of the most important manifestations of the global climate change crisis."

Later in the article, Sheppard addresses the same shameful injustice upon which I commented here:
... these latest fabrications and exaggerations weigh all the more contemptible by virtue of both their milieu and timing -- having been spoken just days after the Warsaw funeral of Irena Sendlerowa. She, you see, was the Polish Catholic credited with rescuing 2,500 Jewish children from the Warsaw Ghetto during the Holocaust.

Irena Sendlerowa's historic bravery facing the Nazis earned the 98-year-old a Nobel Peace Prize nomination -- the very same year as Gore's.

Somehow, in an act totally devoid of any "sense of justice," the gentle hero was denied the honor in favor of the bombastic charlatan -- who Tuesday dared speak to the Israeli people of "moral duty" while lying through his teeth.

It seems the more his little scam unravels, the more loathsome his methods become.

Not only is the article outstanding, but even the comments are unusually good. Some are quite insightful, and some are hilarious – such as the one comparing Gore to Baghdad Bob, and this gem:
There he blows. Will someone tell this man to take a breather. I can't believe the number of people who just buy into this nonsense--and many of them aren't really politically minded. I have to say, the title kind of got me laughing--Gore celebrating Israel's 60th birthday with a Whopper. Can someone tell that fool whoppers aren't kosher!

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