Thursday, June 5, 2008

The Gift of Prophecy?

On March 30th, a little over two months ago, I wrote a post titled "It's Over for Hillary." Yet, I don't believe that I have any special gift of prophecy.

Despite the wishful thinking of Hillary's supporters, it's been obvious for quite a while now that her quest for the presidency was going to fail. Once her erstwhile friends in the media, as usual acting in concert like birds on a telephone wire, decided that she was yesterday's news, it was just a matter of time.

Hillary still seems to believe that she is somehow entitled to the presidency. All these years, beginning back in Arkansas, she has attained positions of influence and power not by virtue of her own talent, but because of her husband's political successes. She may have managed to convince herself otherwise, but now, she has run up against cold, hard reality.

Now that her former media supporters have jilted her and fallen madly in love with Barack, Hillary is beginning to get some inkling of what it's been like to be a conservative Republican all these years. The same long knives which have been available at her beck and call to slice and dice Republicans have now turned against her, wielded by many of the very same reporters who used to willingly swallow and regurgitate the latest White House lies during her husband's impeachment. (Remember all those "Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy" charges flying around during the Clinton administration? The more fanciful and ridiculous the charges became, the more eagerly and uncritically the White House Press Corps reported them.)

If there has been one beneficial result from all of this it is the fact that more and more Democrats are beginning to recognize the Clintons – Monsieur et Madame – as the dangerous narcissistic sociopaths that they are. Oh, most of them will never admit it, but that's OK. The scales have been removed from the Democrats' eyes, and that's the important thing.

Now, let's hope that enough of the Democrats will use their newly improved visual acuity to learn all they can about Barack Obama before November.

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