Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Obama's Going to Lose

Today, June 16, 2008, I'm sticking my neck out and unequivocally predicting that Barack Hussein Obama is going to lose the election.

Why do I say that? Well, my prediction has absolutely nothing to do with the relative merits of McCain versus Obama.

I know that Obama will lose because today, this guy
came out and endorsed him. As anyone knows who has followed the career of Albert Arnold "Al" Gore, Jr. since he first entered public life, his endorsement of any other political candidate generally turns out to be the Kiss of Death.

Characteristically, Gore waited until the last possible second to endorse Obama, long after it was obvious to everyone (with the possible exception of Hillary Clinton) that Obama was going to be the Democratic nominee. Throughout his career, this has been his pattern. He deftly avoids any commitment until he has stuck his finger into the wind and determined which position will benefit him the most. As far as the Democratic primary goes, it's probably to Obama's advantage that Gore held off endorsing him until now. Had he done so earlier, his endorsement of Obama would undoubtedly have propelled Hillary across the finish line.

Now that Gore has belatedly taken a position (and did anyone seriously expect him to come out and back McCain?), I predict that during the next four months or so, many independent voters who had intended to vote for Obama will begin to reassess their positions.

They already knew Gore as a shameless hypocrite and a pompous ass. Now, it's becoming more obvious every day that he's also a con artist par excellence. He has not only perpetrated the greatest scam in human history in the form of his Global Warming cult, but has used hundreds of millions of public dollars to promote it. Simultaneously, he has managed to enrich himself handsomely by setting up a private entity which profits directly from the scam through the sale of nonexistent "carbon credits."

Remember the story of Charles Ponzi, the originator of the eponymous "Ponzi scheme"? What do you suppose would have happened if he had endorsed a presidential candidate in the 1920 election? Would it have helped or hurt?

Of course, the 1920 election was won by the Republican, Warren G. Harding, who turned out to be one of history's worst presidents. However, he died in office and was succeeded by his Vice President, who was, in my opinion, one of the best of our presidents, the underrated Calvin Coolidge.

Just suppose that Ponzi, who was widely admired as a financial genius early in 1920 (prior to his subsequent arrest), had endorsed one of the other candidates. Would it have made any difference in the outcome? Instead of the Republican hack politician Harding, would our country's fate have been placed in the hands of Democrat hack politician James M. Cox or, even worse, in the irresponsible hands of the wild-eyed Socialist Eugene Debs? We would have been deprived of the calm, stabilizing influence of Coolidge. Instead, the country would have been run by the lackluster Cox, if not by the radical leftist Debs, with unimaginable consequences.

Well, the fact of the matter is that the scope of Gore's scam dwarfs anything that Ponzi could have conjured up in his wildest dreams. Many people are beginning to realize the true nature of "Global Warming," undoubtedly spurred on by the advent of such sequellae as $4.00 gas and worldwide food shortages. With time, more and more eyes will open up, revealing the true nature of Gore's scam to all whose vision is not obscured by leftist dogma. (Who knows? Perhaps some day, the phrase "Ponzi scheme" will be superseded by "Gore scheme.")

If, during the next four months, enough thoughtful voters will examine the voluminous evidence disproving Gore's Globaloney and draw their own conclusions, Gore's enthusiastic endorsement of Obama will prove to be an incurable wound. Obama will join Gore himself on the Democrat Loser List, from which no politician has ever managed to extricate himself.

UPDATE AND BUMP: The American Spectator's Robert Stacy McCain (no relation to John) posted this response about Brother Al:
Phil, I'm not sure exactly what Al Gore adds for Obama -- an endorsement by a loser, a reminder of the past, for a candidate who's supposed to be all about "change"?

I'd call Gore the Al-batross.

As Glenn Reynolds (InstaPundit) would say, "Heh!"

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