Wednesday, May 14, 2008

The Politics of Global Warming

The Wall Street Journal's Holman Jenkins offers some wise insights on the interface between practical politics and the global warming hysteria, "Warming to McCain". Here's how his column begins:
It's good to see a politician rewarded for a courageous and unpopular stand, as John McCain has been over Iraq. History will show he was as central to the battle of Washington as Gen. David Petraeus has been to the battle of Baghdad. Our enemies strategized that America lacks staying power. Mr. McCain's role deprived them of their plan for victory.

But honor, the value that underlined Mr. McCain's stand, is no use on an issue like global warming. Here, he could use a little more Mitt Romney, his vanquished nemesis whose name has now resurfaced in the veep sweepstakes.

Mr. Romney was tagged as a wonk because he "immerses himself in data." But one thing immersion can do that casual "gut" proceedings can't is let you know when the data don't provide an answer, even if people are telling you it does.

Further into the article, you'll find this memorable line:
Politics is often a business of adaptive dishonesty, and never more so than when dealing with an issue like climate change.

By all means, read the whole thing.

1 comment:

  1. There is a great deal more I can and will (later) post on this topic. For now, you may find these two posts (and associated sub-links) of interest:
    CO2 is Not a Problem
    The Current Cooling Trend
