Monday, March 31, 2008


I've been listening to talk radio all day, and not a single caller was favorably impressed by Gore's 60 Minutes appearance last night. The primary impression he conveyed was that of his overweening arrogance – not a surprise to those of us who are residents of his native state and know him best.

In addition, listeners and hosts alike reported that they were appalled to learn that Newt Gingrich and Pat Robertson had signed on to Gore's $300 million propaganda campaign (along with such eminent scientific minds as Nancy Pelosi and Al Sharpton), undoubtedly because they hope that some of that $300 million will rub off on them. Not only will Gingrich and Robertson fail to lend any of their credibility to Gore, but they will find that they have finally exhausted their own. In contrast to the leftists, the ranks of conservatives and libertarians don't contain many mindless robots who will, lemming-like, blindly follow their leaders off the edge of the cliff.

Altogether, this was a most inauspicious start to what is supposed to be a massive campaign to overcome the last vestiges of resistance to the Church of Global Warming.

Way to go, Al! Keep up the good work.

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