Monday, April 28, 2008

Henry Lamb on High Gas Prices

Henry Lamb, founder of the Environmental Conservation Organization, has written an excellent column for WorldNetDaily explaining why we are now paying such ridiculously high prices for our gas. Here's a small sample:
Blame the green environmental extremists who block every effort to expand domestic energy supply, whether in offshore oil reserves, expansion of clean coal production, or the construction of new nuclear energy facilities. It's just plain dumb to allow the shortage of readily available energy to drive prices so high that the entire economy and food supply are in jeopardy.
You can read the rest here "Blame Clinton, greens for high gas prices". He casts a bit wider net than the editorial writers at IBD, and with considerable justification. IBD points the finger at the Democratically-controlled Senate and House of Representatives. Henry Lamb blames the de facto constituency of those Senators and Representatives – not the citizens who elected them, but the loonie leftist enviro-whacko activists who provide the bulk of their campaign funds. He's right, of course, and we shouldn't be surprised. After all, they're just dancing with the ones that brung 'em – and, as we know all too well, an honest politician is one who, once he's been bought, stays bought.

My conclusion is unchanged, though. The only way we can reverse this insanity is to vote some of these weasels out of office.

Just as the traffic cop doesn't need to give every speeder a ticket in order to slow most of us down, there's no need to rid ourselves of all of them. It would be nice, but is probably unachievable within this lifetime. All we need to do is weed out enough of them to give the rest a bit of religion. Once they begin to fear the wrath of their constituents more than they fear the deep-pocketed environmentalist pressure groups, they'll come around.

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