Saturday, April 19, 2008

Mark Steyn's Latest

To me, one of the liberals' most annoying traits is their overweening smugness. They sincerely believe that they are the smartest, wittiest, most sophisticated people on the planet, and that all the rest of us should silently accept our inferiority and gratefully allow them to instruct us in how to live our lives.

All of us on the right side of the spectrum know instinctively that the liberals' high opinion of themselves is simply not justified by the facts. A few of us – and I fervently wish I were among them – are sufficiently articulate to puncture their balloon of self-importance regularly and consistently. Of that number, none is more deft and witty than Mark Steyn.

Check out Mark's latest column on National Review Online, in which he brilliantly skewers Barack Obama for his mocking, dismissive reference to ordinary Americans' predilection toward "God and Guns". Here's a pullquote:
I think a healthy society needs both God and guns: it benefits from a belief in some kind of higher purpose to life on earth, and it requires a self-reliant citizenry. If you lack either of those twin props, you wind up with today’s Europe — a present-tense Eutopia mired in fatalism.
By all means, read the whole thing. Also, check out Mark's latest book, America Alone: The End of the World As We Know It, just out in paperback with a new introduction.

Incidentally, Mark, whom you've probably had an opportunity to hear and see in radio and TV interviews, never attended college and dropped out of high school at the age of 16. I wonder where he'd be today if he had taken the BS-MS-PhD* route. Most likely, we never would have heard of him.

*(The abbreviations were once explained to me thus: We all know what BS stands for. MS is More of the Same, and PhD is Piled Higher and Deeper.)

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